Tata si fiica.Father and daughter.Padre e hija.


Anonim a spus…
Big regards and kiss.
Joop Zand a spus…
Hello Costea

This is really nice, the composition, colors and lightning are great.....well done my friend.

Greetings, joop
Luis Gomez a spus…
Beautiful image. Great shot!
Felisa y Ernesto a spus…
Nice composition,
red (young),
soft green (father),
both in front of one curtain of rain (grey)
I liked it very much.
Gilka artesanatos a spus…
Olá Costea,que bela foto,o colorido é maravilhoso.Abraços.
Patricia a spus…
beautiful image!!!!
Paco Sales a spus…
Excelente composición padre e hija, junto estos árboles joven y viejo, muy bien vista está foto, un abrazo Costea
Berit a spus…
I like this picture, a lot:)
johnny a spus…
Felicidades esta fotografía es excepcional en todo¡¡¡¡ MUY BIEN
martinealison a spus…
Très belle photo du père et sa fille... encadrés et protégés par ces deux arbres, l'un plus jeune que l'autre. Ce qui est beau également c'est que le jeune soit près du papa et le plus vieux près de sa fille...
Pedro D. H. a spus…
seems to be raining, buf there are definitely dry.
Patrick Lucas a spus…
superbe composition !
Mª Angeles B. a spus…
Una composicion muy llamativa, una foto preciosa.

jennyfreckles a spus…
That's a lovely composition - sunshine and rain in one shot.
clo a spus…
beautiful tenderness...great moment..:o)
Aina a spus…
This is a great picture!
Begoña S.R. a spus…
Una bonita estampa

Muy bien vista!

Lilo a spus…
Ein wunderschönes Foto!
Ganz lieben Gruß
TheChieftess a spus…
This is a really nice shot of a tender moment...
Anonim a spus…
beautiful shot, love the colours colours!

looks like little red riding hood with her protector from the big bad wolf :o)
Lőrincz Csaba a spus…
Compozitie frumoasa, ca si atmosfera.Parca ploua, sau e un efect?
Pat a spus…
Can't say anything more than the others already have; lovely photo of the bond between daughter and father.
Kozma Erzsébet a spus…
Atmosfera foarte placuta, culori frumoase si compozitie buna.
Anonim a spus…
A picture full of colour and an atmosphere full of trust. A very good job, my friend!!!
Greests Olli
Janny a spus…
Fantastic composition very nice photo
Greetng Janny
Anonim a spus…
beautifulll :)
Gabriela Pana a spus…
faina compozitie si-o cromaticade exceptie...
Jota Ele a spus…
Very good, composition, Costea.

Colors and light are nice too.

Well done!
JR a spus…
Frumoasa fotografie ...
O seară plăcută
Unknown a spus…
Excellent composition! Great contrasts to the curtain of water.
Elena a spus…
Beautiful composition with the complicity of the characters in a beautiful place. Greetings.
David Lázaro a spus…
Preciosa composición Costea: colores propios del otoño, la lluvia en el fondo, el padre y la hija enmarcados por los árboles...
Muy bonita.
Un saludo.
Unknown a spus…
Greetings Andrzej.
Nkg Fotografía a spus…
Muy bonita estampa, me encanta como rompe el rojo la toma.

Margarita a spus…
Una foto maravillosa donde captas ese momento entrañable. Me encanta la cortina de lluvia que hay detrás, le da un aire de melancolía que me encanta. Muy atractiva y relajante imagen. Te felicito.

Un abrazo,

Unknown a spus…
Absolutely gorgeous, sweet and touching!
rita a spus…
a beautiful moment in the rain ! Greetings, Rita
Mariët's fotosite a spus…
Hello Costea,
A nice picture of this two people..
It's rain there..
Great colors en lightning..
Greeting Mariët
Sciarada a spus…
Ciao Andrea Mihai, a sweet emotion in a perfect setting!
Have a good weekend!
NessCaffe a spus…
mi se pare mie sau i-a prins ploaia? uofff.. excelent suprins momentul.
What Karen Sees a spus…
What a wonderful photography blog. You are very talented and I've enjoyed looking at all your beautiful and creative images. I'm now 'following' you and will visit again soon, and I hope you will visit me too!
Allison a spus…
This is such a meaningful photograph. I love this. Nice job!
T. Becque a spus…
Beautiful. And lovely photographs here lately. I haven't been by in a while.
CalinMirisan a spus…
foarte bun cadrul! bine vazut!
María Beatriz a spus…
Hermosa fotografía!
Me gustaron mucho la composición de colores y sus contrastes, así como los efectos de luz.

Saludos desde Argentina
Lara a spus…
wonderful light, wonderful scene.
Teté M. Jorge a spus…
Beautiful shot...

Great composition, very nice photo.
Happy 2011!
Anonim a spus…
Excelent surprins momentul!