Urme pe cer.Traces in the sky.Huellas en el cielo. octombrie 19, 2010 Solicitați un link Facebook X Pinterest E-mail Alte aplicații Comentarii Anonim a spus… beautiful blue sky, bravoo Costa!I lake it! AD a spus… Lindíssimo parece que há uma divisão no céu onde de um lado há pássaros e no outro não.Gostei :) Joop Zand a spus… Wow....thats nice.Greetings, Joop Incanto Images Fotografie a spus… O scara de frumos şi cât de norocos că păsările tocmai a trecut. Frumos făcut.Ceea ce priveşte Von Dejemonos sorprender a spus… Footprints in the sky, yes, completely leaving a trace, buts this is different because it is not forever.. there are many that if.. I like your photo today..Saludos. Alexandra a spus… Beautilul sky :)A like Your photo...Greetings de schoonheid van de natuur a spus… Erg mooie foto van die luchtgroetjes Herman versteeg. Luis Gomez a spus… Gorgeous sky! Anonim a spus… lovely :) picture Merce a spus… Parece una columna vertebral...Es genial, curiosa!!!Un abrazo Out on the prairie a spus… When I see these trails I always wonder were they are going and where they have been,guess i wishI was on its journey. marty a spus… Love the birds in this gorgeous sky !! bisous Paco Sales a spus… un cielo precioso, con el contaluz de ñárboles y aves surcando el cielo, una foto excelente, un abrazo Isabel Soriano a spus… Preciosa toma de un hermoso cielo.Saludos! VALKYRIEN a spus… Hello, and thank you for your nice visit at my blog. Your blog is beautiful, impressive photos and images! :) Daliana Pacuraru a spus… Da, urme...zici de pasari sau de avion?Iar ai reuesit ceva incredibil...pasari, avioane, cer albastru si copacii aia facuti din penita! Salutari! David Lázaro a spus… Hola,Muchas gracias por tu visita y por tu comentario en mi blog. Tienes unas fotos muy interesantes. Iré visitándote.Un saludo johnny a spus… Pajáros y Aviones dejan su rastro en el cielo , buen tiro¡¡ Chris a spus… Wonderful blue sky and composition! Well done. Begoña S.R. a spus… Precioso contraluz y precioso cielo!!Muy bien vista, felicidadesUn abrazo Gilka artesanatos a spus… Olá, é uma maravilha,abraços Costea a spus… O imagine cu un cer brăzdat frumos. T. Becque a spus… Nice with the light and the dark in that blue sky! Teté M. Jorge a spus… I loved this photo!Without words...Kisses, dear friend. Rajesh a spus… Beautiful view of the sky. Quiet unusual sight. Rick a spus… I always love sky shots - beautiful colour and composition, and nice capture of that flock of birds ! Anonim a spus… Max, multumesc pentru vizita!Ce un cer frumos, foarte frumos realizat.Ceea ce priveşte Cristien. Felisa y Ernesto a spus… Beautiful traces for follow it across the sky,..., and dream.Nice photo of the sky.Felisa Pat a spus… Beautiful blues and white. Brosu Constantin a spus… Păsările sunt norii negri ce se abat pe albastrul cerului vieţii noastre... nu vreau să fiu apocaliptic, imaginea este frumoasă. Lőrincz Csaba a spus… linia alba desparte pasarile de partea cealalta a cerului, parca nu s-ar putea trece peste . interesanta imagine si placut vizual. Jota Ele a spus… Traces from a Jet, I suppose.Nice shot, Costea.Regards. A do outro lado da xanela a spus… who knows where is going... Lowell a spus… Very interesting and beautiful. And the birds! I didn't see them at first! Great shot!And thank you so much for visiting our blog and commenting! Montserrat Llagostera Vilaró a spus… QUE BELLA PINCELADA.ES COMO SI LOS ANGELES HUBIERAN PINTADO ENTRE LAS NUBES.REALMENTE MAGNIFICA, Montserrat Nkg Fotografía a spus… Me encanta!! la composición me parece perfecta, y el color tambien...saludos!! Elena a spus… El azul es precioso. Abrazos! APU Barcelona a spus… Preciosa foto :Dun abrazo Zuzana a spus… That sky is gorgeous, and the setting breath taking.Thank you so much for stopping by my place and for your kind words,xoxo Angel Corrochano a spus… El cielo es una autentica pasada. Y las siluetas de las ramas y de los pájaros le dan más grandeza.Un abrazo Unknown a spus… You tread in the sky, what a marvel!RegardsHuellas en el cielo, ¡qué maravilla!Saludos Anonim a spus… Great landscape with emotional light!Greets Olli DIGITAL WORLD PAGES ARCHIVE a spus… Beautiful moment! Janny a spus… Fantastic sky very beautiful Regards Janny rita a spus… simply wonderful blue sky ! best wishes - Rita Unknown a spus… The plane traces are amazing and the flock on the right adds so much to the composition. Wonderful image again! Anonim a spus… Wow! this is fantastic.
I lake it!
Gostei :)
Greetings, Joop
Ceea ce priveşte Von
A like Your photo...
groetjes Herman versteeg.
Es genial, curiosa!!!
Un abrazo
Iar ai reuesit ceva incredibil...pasari, avioane, cer albastru si copacii aia facuti din penita!
Muchas gracias por tu visita y por tu comentario en mi blog.
Tienes unas fotos muy interesantes. Iré visitándote.
Un saludo
Muy bien vista, felicidades
Un abrazo
Without words...
Kisses, dear friend.
Ce un cer frumos, foarte frumos realizat.
Ceea ce priveşte Cristien.
Nice photo of the sky.
Nice shot, Costea.
And thank you so much for visiting our blog and commenting!
un abrazo
Thank you so much for stopping by my place and for your kind words,
Un abrazo
Huellas en el cielo, ¡qué maravilla!
Greets Olli
Regards Janny