Paianjen Lycosidae.Spider.Araña


Andrea, en la última toma se aprecia a mi enterder la telaraña que extrae de su boca, unos hilos muy finos y que son pegajosos. Le pequeña juaba con ellas, les tiraba moscas para ver qué hacian, trabajan muy concienzudamente para dejar a la presa bien sujeta y exprimida de líquidos.
Unknown a spus…
I don't like spiders, but your photos are great.
Anonim a spus…
Wooow great Andrea!!!
Anonim a spus…
da, da. Lycosidae. o familie de paienjeni cu reprezentanti foarte frmosi. bine surprins asta micu' al tau :)
Unknown a spus…
The colour and detail that you've captured are just stunning! Most beautiful! :o)
Paco Sales a spus…
Buena toma amigo, captada en el momento de su paseo, me gusta el contraste con el verde y sus sombras, un abrazo amigo
Nihal a spus…
Smiling Hello Andrea:)
I think this spider photo is very nice to explain the basic of blogosphere. Our connectedness with other, another in any where of the world maybe we have not been before. Like a spider our connection is growing bigger each day, isn't it:)
I am impressed by your talent, very cool macros they are. In the meantime, I am pleased to see your visiting on my little corner. I'm partially belong to beautiful Romania because of my mother's side. Will be coming to visit your inspiring captures as often as I can.
Pedro Sanchez a spus…
Muy buenos macros y fantastico colorido.
Jota Ele a spus…

I can't stand spiders. I just can't help it.

However, very nice macros, Costea.

Unknown a spus…
You make the spiders look beautiful.
ice photos but... i don't like spiders at all!
Unknown a spus…
Bella serie...bravo!

Teté M. Jorge a spus…
Muito bom!

Gabriela Pana a spus…
interesanta serie...bine surprins...
Daliana Pacuraru a spus…
Foarte buna serie si greu de prins in fotografie...oricum, tema mea favorita...ha ha! Salutari!
✿France✿ a spus…
Merci de ta visite chez moi donc me voici aussi et je pense que c'est normal.
de trés belles photos des bestioles chez toi.
je te souhaite une bonne journée et au plaisir
Maravillosos macros!!!

Vicente B a spus…
I much prefers swans than spiders, but I must say the pictures with these green and black are just great.
Crus4d3r a spus…
foarte dragut macro .. felicitari
viata intre G si T a spus…
faine cadre.... inca o demonstratie ca fotografia macro, ntura in general, este punctul tau forte. felicitari
AB a spus…
Fascinating macros
I do like your nature photgraphy. I have no phoebia of spiders. My garden is full of them, they even live in the house!...and we have native black swans but no white ones. Great blog.