In varful dealului..(In the top of the hill)


L. Gispert a spus…
Muy atractiva foto, con esos verdes pujantes tapizando tan encantadora colina.

Un abrazo.
Paco Sales a spus…
Fantastica foto amigo Andrea, un verde esplendoroso con un azul del cielo de fondo, muy bonita, un abrazo amigo
Allison a spus…
Ok... now you're starting to look like Switzerland! This is so lovely...
Out on the prairie a spus…
This looks similar to where I have been trout fishing.Nice!
Anonim a spus…
Mª Angeles B. a spus…
Que belleza tienen esos verdes,impresionante.

joey a spus…
Lovely site and stunning photos. Thank you for visiting mine ... I shall return!
Teté M. Jorge a spus…

Chad a spus…
Thanks for visiting. I enjoyed looking through many of your past photo,very nice.I will visit again.
Elettra a spus…
Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.
Elettra a spus…
Ciao Andrea Mihai, in this photograph the mountain touches the sky, beautiful
Rick a spus…
Beautiful green! Beautiful sky. Lovely photo of a lovely place - nicely done.
Preciosa foto , paisaje muy frondoso y queme llama la atención las dos casitas que están muy inclinadas por es declive del terreno.
Feliz fin de semana amigo Andrea.
Con ternura.
Richard a spus…
Mda, in virfu dealului...mai era ceva a calului...marfa.
Latha Nair a spus…
oh so lovely! wish I could be there on top of the hills, in the lone cottage, surrounded by the deep woods
Latha Nair a spus…
oh so lovely! wish I could be there on top of the hills, in the lone cottage, surrounded by the deep woods
Gabriela Pana a spus…
frumos...pare un cadru din poveste
Kozma Erzsébet a spus…
Foarte frumos! Ca o mică planetă.
Espresso a spus…
Great landscape!